Wow donating kits to 150 women
Wow donating kitsvto 150 women with education and awareness program for women gardeners for maintaining the horticulture of special flowers for Ikebana
Wow donating kitsvto 150 women with education and awareness program for women gardeners for maintaining the horticulture of special flowers for Ikebana
Happy to Announce we were able to reach out to 50 mentally challenged adolescent girls from Antgarganga vidya samaste from WOW
On March 8th`Distribution of 100 nos Biodegradable sanitary napkins at Kithoor Chennamma Residential School, Kurudumalau, Mulbagal 120 kms from Bangalore
WOW distributed 80 kits to high school children in Government school of Dodakalasendra on February 11th 2023
It was an honour to colab with Lions club of Bangalore prerana
NGO World of Women aided Ammucace in distribution of Sanitary kits which will last for a whole year, for around 100 slum ladies of Weaver’s Colony,
Session on women’s Menstrual Health & Hygiene along with distribution of period kits for one year at Govt. High School
Session on women’s Menstrual Health and Hygiene at Krishna Royal college of Nursing by WOW founder Nirmala Nayak
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